Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy Day

Yesterday was easily in the top 5 of happiest days this year. I had been dreaming of owning some of Sven Nordqvist's books for a year, and now I do! I ordered them last month, and they went a long and curly way, from Sweden to Holland to Bucuresti to my trembling, expectant hands.

They exerted such a fascination on me when I first saw them in Sweden, that I just had to have them in my house sooner or later. I based stuffed creatures on the mucklor in the book, I drove my friends crazy with excited accounts of the silly drawings inside, I wished I had a cat like Findus... Is it very weird for a grown-up to be so excited over children's books?

But they are not just children's books, they are Swedish reading practice material! Så ska jag lära mig svenska och leka på samma gång :>

The appearance of the books in my house caused quite a stir among the population of Transylvanian mucklor, locally known as "mişumaci". Here is what happened:


Alexandra said...

Wow! Foarte, foarte senzational!!! Abia astept sa trec pe la tine sa rasfoiesc si eu. Vezi sa nu le strice misumacii daca nu sunt atenti!

Elena said...

Ce rau imi pare ca nu stiu suficienta engleza ca sa ma bucur de povestea ta. Dar am inteles nedumeririle si bucuria "misumacilor" cand s-au vazut in carte!

CraftyGoth said...

Pai da, cam asta era ideea principala, stupoare cand descopera ca sunt celebri. Incet incet am inceput sa le descifrez, o sa va povestesc si voua daca vreti :D Ilustratiile sunt minunate, atat de multe detalii (majoritatea ironice), ca descoperi ceva nou de fiecare data cand te uiti. Pacat ca nu prea sunt poze pe net... Mersi de sfat Sanda, ca bine zici, tre sa fiu cu ochii pe ei!

Mandy said...

Wonderful! I love the little story.
I found your blog from the link you posted on